Sunday, October 7, 2012

Learning Linux Commands

I always had my development environment on Windows operating system so I never got a good hands-on on unix commands. This becomes a handicap when you have to troubleshoot a production issue once in a while as most of the time production environments are on Linux.

I have always been on the lookout for the ways to get a unix emulator or something similar on Windows. Earlier I tried Cygwin which is a good tool to get Linux look and feel environment on Windows. The only issue with this is that you have to install a large number of tools. On your workstations it may not be possible because of the restrictions imposed by employers.

Recently I stumbled upon another cool site called linuxzoo. I wish I had known about this site earlier. It allows you to have a remote private Linux machine with root access. This machine will be under your complete control, and you have to start it and stop it just like any normal machine!

So, If you are interested in learning Unix/Linux commands and you don't have access to Linux box get yourself registerd on   Happy Learning!!

1 comment:

  1. Cool, Pankaj. I didn't know about this site. Will definitely try it. I have tried cygwin as well and found it cumbersome. Thanks for sharing this information.

